Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mimi's Ranch

Here's a couple of photos I liked of my good friend Eric DeShan out at his grandma's ranch North of Dallas. Basically, we shoot stuff and ride four-wheelers when we're up there. Good times. Eric helped get me into photography, and you can see some of his work at his website here: (mostly family photojournalism stuff).

labor day 2011-246.jpg

memes july 4th-18.jpg

This photo above was not staged at all. He was just standing there looking for any more snakes, because we had just killed the one below:

memes july 4th-72.jpg


  1. Your photos are really great, Jason!

  2. Thanks, WIlliam! I wish I had been interested in photography when I was up in Hillsdale - then I could have gleaned tons from all of your skills and knowledge. Hopefully one day...
